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Ephesians 2:10 You have been created for a purpose. And you were endowed with certain gifts inorder that you might accomplish the role God has prepared for you. Do you feel out of synch with your life? Perhaps its time to re-examine yourself and ask some hard questions. This is not just about a mission trip. I'm talking about your everyday life. Are you living without a purpose or goal? No matter how 'successful' you might be, the material things will never fill that place in your heart that actually belongs to God. Think about your talents and what comes easily to you. Think about those moments of joy as you do certain tasks. Now ask yourself how you can use those talents to help the less fortunate of the world. Sometimes a mission trip can illuminate that corner of your life where you are meant to reside. Ask God to help you find the path He has prepared for you and you will surely find it. How you can help... There are many ways you can contribute to Compassion Med International, including:
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